Issue 10/2020
International and national calls for funding for researchers and students. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and only includes those calls received by the International Office of the University of Göttingen. Should you have any questions, please get in touch directly with the organisers or respective institution.
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Open Calls
Postdoc (Postdoc)
Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship
Deadline: November 1, 2020
Deadline: 30. November 2020 (Projektskizze)
Students (Bachelor/Master)
Call for participants Open17Water challenge
Deadline: October 4, 2020
DAAD: Stipendien für DaF und Germanistik Absolvent*innen – Ausschreibung für Sprachassistenzen
Deadline: 30. Oktober 2020
Students (Bachelor/Master)
Online Autumn Schools of Samara University
Deadline: October 5, 2020.
ZIM – 7. Deutsch-Koreanische Ausschreibung für gemeinsame Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte
Deadline: 30. Oktober 2020
Deadline: 31. Oktober 2020 (Projektskizze)
Deadline: 15. Oktober 2020, 12.00 Uhr MESZ (Projektskizze in englischer Sprache)
Belmont Forum-DFG-Ausschreibung: Transdisziplinäre Forschung zur Nachhaltigkeit
Deadline: 31. Oktober 2020
Deadline: 30. November 2020
Doktoranden/Doktorandinnen und Postdoc (PhD/ Postdoc)
Deadline: 04. Januar 2021
Doktoranden/Doktorandinnen und Postdoc (PhD/ Postdoc)
Deadline: open
JSPS Invitational Fellowship for Research (Short-Term)
Deadline: 07 Mai 2021
Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context LSUE – June 10-15, 2021
Deadline: November 01, 2020