Issue 10/2022
International and national calls for funding for researchers and students. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and only includes those calls received by the International Office of the University of Göttingen. Should you have any questions, please get in touch directly with the organisers or respective institution. You would like to receive the Monthly Alert per email in the future? Then you can subscribe here!
Open Calls
Studierende (Bachelor/Master)
University of Trento, Italy:
Deadline (für Nominierung): jeweils 15.10.2022
Winter School @ School of Economics, Fudan University (Dec 19, 2022 – Jan 8, 2023)
Deadline: 04.12.2022
Doktoranden/Doktorandinnen und Postdoc (PhD/ Postdoc)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS): Postdoctoral Fellowship standard
Deadline: Auswahltermine jeden Februar, Juni und Oktober
Max Weber Stiftung: Gerald D. Feldman-Reisebeihilfen
Deadline: 07.10.2022
China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE): PhD Workshop China 2022 – Virtual Event, November 15–24, 2022 Deadline: 11.10.2022
Deadline: 15.10.2022