Monthly Alert

International and national calls for funding for researchers and students

Issue 01/2023

International and national calls for funding for researchers and students. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and only includes those calls received by the International Office of the University of Göttingen. Should you have any questions, please get in touch directly with the organisers or respective institution. You would like to receive the Monthly Alert per email in the future? Then you can subscribe here!

Open Calls

Studierende (Bachelor/Master)

7th International Health Sciences Conference (IHSC 2023, 30-31 March 2023, The Students’ Scientific Society of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania)

Deadlines: Active participants: abstract submission until 18th of January 2023. Passive participants: tickets available from 01st of February until 16th of March 2023.


Graz International Summer School Seggau 2023: “Conflict, Challenge, and Change: State – Society – Religion” (July 2 – July 15, 2023 – Seggau Castle | Leibnitz | Austria)

Deadline: 31.01.2023


UNIL’s School of Biology: 2023 Summer Undergraduate Research (SUR) Programme in the biological sciences (July 3rd to August 25th, 2023, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland)

Deadline: 31.01.2023


St Andrews Summer Study courses for international undergraduate students (Residential Courses, 27 May – 17 June 2023, University of St Andrews, Scotland)

Deadline: Applications close on 29 March 2023, but you need to apply by 22 February 2023 to be eligible for scholarships.


UCL Summer School 2023 (3 or 6 weeks in June, July and August), University College London

Deadline: 28.02.2023 (Early Bird: exempt from the £ 60 application fee)


European Studies Summer School (July 9 – 22, 2023), University of Pécs, Hungary

Deadline: 01.04.2023


Masaryk University Summer Schools: 20 programmes to choose from (Masaryk University, Centre for International Cooperation, Brno, Czech Republic)

Unterschiedliche Deadlines je nach gewähltem Programm: 01.02.2023 / 15.04.2023 / 15.05.2023


Doktoranden/Doktorandinnen und Postdoc (PhD/ Postdoc)

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship standard

Deadline: keine


Wissenschaftler/Wissenschaftlerinnen (Researcher)

DFG-ANID: Gemeinsame Ausschreibung für chilenisch-deutsche Forschungsprojekte in den Bereichen Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik sowie Astronomie und Astrophysik

Deadline: 31.01.2023


Förderaufruf des BMBF zur EUREKA-Globalstars-Kooperation mit Brasilien

Stichtag: 31.01.2023


UNAM-DFG: Fördermöglichkeiten für gemeinsame deutsch-mexikanische Forschungsprojekte

Deadline: 03.02.2023


Call for Proposals for German-Israeli Minerva Schools 2024

Deadline: 05.02.2023


DFG-NSTC: Gemeinsame Ausschreibung für deutsch-taiwanesische Forschungsprojekte

Deadline: 15.02.2023


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

JSPS Invitational Fellowship (short-term)

Deadline: 02.05.2023


Rahmenbekanntmachung des BMBF zur Förderung von Projekten in der Forschungs- und Innovationszusammenarbeit mit Lateinamerika und der Karibik

Stichtag: jeweilige Einreichfristen werden in spezifischen Förderraufrufen bekannt gegeben