Monthly Alert

International and national calls for funding for researchers and students

Issue 05/2023

International and national calls for funding for researchers and students. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and only includes those calls received by the International Office of the University of Göttingen. Should you have any questions, please get in touch directly with the organisers or respective institution. You would like to receive the Monthly Alert per email in the future? Then you can subscribe here!

Open Calls

Studierende (Bachelor/Master)

Masaryk University Summer Schools: 20 programmes to choose from (Masaryk University, Centre for International Cooperation, Brno, Czech Republic)

Unterschiedliche Deadlines je nach gewähltem Programm: 01.02.2023 / 15.04.2023 / 15.05.2023


University of Palermo: Summer School programme on „Migrants, Human Rights, Democracy“ (19–24 June 2023)

Deadline: 01.05.2023


Institute for Peace & Dialogue (Basel, Switzerland) Summer Programs (Applicants can choose between the 13th Summer Academy, August 2023, and the 3-Month Research Program, August–October 2023)

Deadline: 05.05.2023 (Early Bird), 30.06.2023 (Late Application)


University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business: Ljubljana Summer School “Take the Best from East and West” (3 – 21 July 2023)

Deadline: 08.05.2023 (Early Bird), 07.06.2023 (Final Deadline)


Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy Summer School 2023: “Inclusivity and Ethics” (University of Vienna, 10–12 of July)

Deadline: 26.05.2023


SGH Warsaw School of Economics: deutschsprachige deutsch-polnische Sommerschule „Auf festem Fundament? Die Beziehungen zwischen Polen und Deutschland in Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft“ (3.–15. September 2023 in Warschau)

Deadline: 31.05.2023


Universidade da Coruña: International Summer School (17–28 July 2023)

Deadline: 31.05.2023


Zhejiang University 2023 SDG Global Summer School (July 31 to August 14 in a virtual format)

Deadline: 31.05.2023


German Jordanian University (GJU): Arabic Summer Course 2023 (30th of July until the 12th of August, 2023)

Deadline: 01.06.2023


Fudan University International Summer Session 2023 (July 05 – August 01, 2023)

Deadline: 08.06.2023


West University of Timisoara Summer School (June 19th – June 30th, 2023)

Deadline: 10.06.2023


Doktoranden/Doktorandinnen und Postdoc (PhD/ Postdoc)

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship standard

Deadline: keine (Auswahlgremium tagt jeden Februar, Juni und Oktober)


Wissenschaftler/Wissenschaftlerinnen (Researcher)

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

JSPS Invitational Fellowship (short-term)

Deadline: 02.05.2023


Rahmenbekanntmachung des BMBF zur Förderung von Projekten in der Forschungs- und Innovationszusammenarbeit mit Lateinamerika und der Karibik

Stichtag: jeweilige Einreichfristen werden in spezifischen Förderraufrufen bekannt gegeben


Bekanntmachung des BMBF zur Förderung von afrikanisch-deutschen Kooperationen zum Thema „Wassersicherheit in Afrika – WASA“: Hauptphase Südliches Afrika

Deadline: 15.06.2023


Förderaufruf des BMBF zur Wissenschaftlich-Technologischen Zusammenarbeit (WTZ) mit Kolumbien

Deadline: 30.06.2023


Gemischt (Mixed)

Center for Education and Lifelong Learning of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki: International Summer School: Medical Law and Bioethics “Minor’s Health: Legal, Medical and Bioethical Aspects” (2rd – 7th of July 2023)

Deadline: 31.05.2023